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Tour of the British Embassy in Berlin

von | 20 August 2024

Tour of the British Embassy in Berlin

Magic Realism in New England: The Mesmerising Work of Andrew Wyeth

On 31st July a lucky group of 20 members from our society were treated to a 1 hour tour of the British Embassy in Berlin.
Once we had all gathered in the arrival courtyard where we could see an English Oak Tree which was 45 years old when planted in 1998 we entered the embassy into the main foyer. Here we were met by our patron Kieran Drake who gave us a very interesting introduction to the new building and the history of the site in Wilhelmstraße prior to its opening in July 2000. We were then taken via the impressive grand staircase into the main atrium where various contemporary artworks and photographs of Royal events could be seen along with one of the original wrought iron doors from the original embassy which was destroyed in the 2nd world war.

The Atrium impressive in size and in its contemporary design is used for many events involving the public and dignitaries from all walks of life and we were taken into both its dining room with views of Wilhelmstrasse and the integral Drum conference room where we had a very interesting question and answers session with Kieran on personal/daily life as an employee in the Embassy.

At the end of the one hour tour we left having been given the privilege to see inside one of Berlin‘s iconic buildings and our thanks go to Kieran for giving us his time and knowledge in showing us around in his place of work.

All the very best from Dave Ashley, Vice Chair and Programme Secretary

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