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Life after the AGM

von | 20 Juni 2024

Ursula Fortune

Magic Realism in New England: The Mesmerising Work of Andrew Wyeth

The Board and Committee of the Arts Society Berlin would like to say many thanks to each and everyone of our members for your support at our AGM and lecture a couple of weeks ago.

Following that we also want to say a massive thank you to Ursula Fortune who, after some 18 years of keeping the Berlin Society alive and kicking, has now stood down from her position as Chair. She will in the future support her successor Sabine Bodenhorn and all of us within the elected Committee to move into a new phase with in-house live lectures along with the more modern zoom/hybrid presentations for you all to enjoy.

We hope you have a happy summer and look forward to seeing everyone back for our bonus zoom lecture on Frans Hals in September.

All the very best from Dave Ashley, your newly elected Vice Chair and Programme Secretary