Registration for Guided Tours

Registration for our guided tour of the Gründerzeitmuseum in Mahlsdorf

1 April 2023 at 11 am CET 

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Everything about registration and payment.

Everything about registration and payment (click to open)

This form has the following targets:

  • You can register for the guided tour.
  • You can choose the ticket type for this guided tour.
  • You can pay your entrance fee via PayPal or you can use your own bank account to transfer the money into our account.
  • If you have chosen your own bank account, please transfer the entrance fee into the account of THE ARTS SOCIETY BERLIN e.V.
    IBAN: DE57 1007 0848 0463 9365 00, SWIFT-BIC: DEUTDEDB110.
  • If you have chosen PayPal and clicked on the button „Register and go to PayPal“, you will automatically be forwarded to the PayPal website. If you have clicked on the PayPal button „return to merchant“, you will be returned to our website. The paying process was successful.
  • In either case you will receive an e-mail with a copy of the data entered into this form. (Please check your spam folder if the e-mail is missing.)

If you have any questions concerning the payment process, please e-mail us at